Thursday, March 31, 2011

6 Tips For Getting An Ex Back Who Has A Boyfriend

When some people try to get their ex back, they find that their ex has moved on. Many will simply give up, as they feel that the new boyfriend has taken their place. Others know that they may still have a shot, and will attempt to win their significant other back.

If your ex has a boyfriend, and you want to get your ex back, there are a few tips that you must follow. These 6 tips for getting an ex back who has a boyfriend will show you how to respectfully approach the situation, and will give you the best chance at getting back together.

Talk to their Friends

If you are trying to get back with someone that has a boyfriend, talk to their friends about their relationship. Their friends will be able to give you all of the inside information that you will not be able to get from your ex. They can help to point out what your ex does not like about their boyfriend, and what they may miss about you.

Know your Limits You need to know your limits if you are trying to win someone back that has already moved on. You need to show respect for the person that is dating your ex. The more respectful you are about the situation, the less of a hit your reputation will take.

Talk to Them About their Situation

Eventually, you need to talk to your ex about their relationship, and about your feelings. You need to be completely open and honest about how you feel. This honesty may help to push them to consider the idea of getting back together.

Set Boundaries

If your ex is considering a reconciliation, you need to set some boundaries. You should not have a romantic relationship with your ex until they leave their boyfriend. There should be no sex, no kissing, no anything, until the boyfriend is out of the picture.

Avoid the New Boyfriend

While you may be respectful of the boyfriend, it does not mean that you need to be seen by the boyfriend. If possible, avoid the boyfriend at all costs. Any confrontation with him will ruin your chances of getting back together with your ex.

Make the Move

Finally, you need to make a final move for the situation. This does not mean that you need to make a sexual advance. It simply means that you need to ask your ex to make a final decision about their situation.

Some will question the integrity of going after someone who has a boyfriend. Take your own morals, and the seriousness of the situation into consideration. If you have respectful boundaries during the entire process, you can easily prove that you have respect for the situation. If your ex decides to get back with you, you can know that you did nothing wrong.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Can I Get My Girlfriend Back - Yes - Possibly

The answer to the question 'can i get my girlfriend back?' is yes... probably. You see if your girl still loves you, no matter how much you've messed up in the past, she will more than likely be receptive to you if you can prove to her that she won't be wasting her time and that she won't get hurt again. No one wants to be hurt and no one wants to set themselves up to be hurt by trusting someone who has already proven they can't be trusted. For this reason you will probably be able to win her back but you had better expect an uphill climb.

The first step is to give her a little time and space. Don't rush her or expect everything to happen quickly. It takes a lot longer to rebuild trust than it took to tear it apart. More than likely by the time you've gotten to this point you've let her down more than once. Please don't think that all that past hurt and all those mistakes will go away and she'll forget about them just because you say 'I'm sorry' or you tell her that 'I've changed'. She'll probably need to see some proof that that is true.

It's important for you to concentrate on yourself instead of just trying to convince her you've changed. It will take you time to truly change the person that you are and you don't want to make the mistake of thinking you can somehow 'trick' her into believing you are a different man.

It's true, you may be able to but what will that accomplish? Eventually she'll just see that you've lied to her... again and she'll just leave you all over again. Eventually she won't fall for it and the two of you will truly be done. Much better to actually make the changes and make them permanently. It will not only give you the answer to the question 'can i get my girlfriend back' it will also help you to keep the relationship strong and just make you a better man overall.

Depending on how much time has passed since the two of you broke up, you may want to start all over with her. Pretend like the two of you are just getting to know each other. Take it very slow. The worst thing you can do at that point is to try and talk her into trusting you again. This is just more lip service. Instead try to spend time with her, just as a friend, and let her see that you've really changed. When she sees it with her own eyes it's much more likely that she'll learn to trust you again.

Remember, if you want to know 'can i get my girlfriend back?' the answer really lies mostly with you. Love doesn't die that easily so unless you really treated her badly it's very likely that she still cares for you. It's up to you to prove to her that she's not a fool for it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Are Your Contemplating Divorce - A Marriage Counsellor Can Help Save Your Marriage

If you are thinking that your marriage is in trouble and it’s time for a divorce, perhaps a marriage counsellor can help. There are many marriage counsellors who specialize in just that – helping people like you to save their marriage. But how do you know if a marriage counsellor is a good one? Here are a few tips to keep in mind when looking for a family therapist or marriage counsellor.

1. The first thing you need to look at is the credentials of the counsellor. There are three different classes of counsellors:

* The first type is a Ph.D or Psy.D level counsellor. These counsellors have spent at least five years at graduate school and have performed a minimum of 3,000 hours of therapy while being supervised by an experienced psychologist. A person will need to have a doctoral level degree to be qualified legally as a ‘clinical psychologist’. A counsellor with a Ph.D is often more academic and will often do forensic and scholarly work as well as therapy.

* Next there is M.S.W which is a Master of Social Work. Social workers can work with individuals or in institutions and are trained to apply social theory to different situations.

* Lastly, there is the M.A. or M.S. in counselling. There are often known as Marriage and Family Therapists. This type of therapist can only work in small group counselling situations or with individuals. They will have undergone two years of study and earned a degree and will have worked a minimum of 1500 hours of therapy under supervision.

A Marriage and Family Therapist (M.A. or M.S.) and Social Workers (M.S.W.) are the least expensive options for therapy and if you are claiming your marriage counselling on insurance then you will probably be directed to one of these.

2. Once you know what type of therapist you will see, you then need to find out what prices they charge. Marriage and Family Therapists tend to be the least expensive, while Clinical Psychologists are the most expensive. If you really want to save your marriage the cheapest option might not always be the best. When looking at costs, don’t just look at the cost per session but also the expected length of treatment as this can make a big difference to the overall cost.

3. Next, you will want to look at each therapists policies. You need to consider the following:

* How much do you need to pay if you miss a session?

* If you take a vacation will you still be charged for the session for that week?

* Does your therapist accept calls at home or only at the office? Do they accept calls outside of your normal session times?

* Is there another person that you can talk to in an emergency?

A good family counsellor will have one goal in mind – to help you save your marriage. If you are seeing a counsellor and you don’t feel that they are dedicated to helping you save your marriage then you should move on and find someone else. There are many good counsellors or therapists out there that can help you save your marriage from divorce, so don’t settle for divorce before giving therapy a try.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

7 Tips For Getting Back Together After A Break Up

There are many people that try to get back together with their ex after they go through a break up. They realize that they did not want to actually break up with their significant other, and they want to rectify the situation.

Unfortunately, many fail to understand how to actually get back together with an ex. These seven tips for getting back together after a break up will help you to make all of the right moves, and will help you to get back together with your ex.

Limit your Texting and Calling

If you are trying to get back together with someone after a break up, you need to make sure that you limit your texts and calls to that person. While it is important to keep in contact with the person, it is also important to note appear desperate. The more you call and text, the more desperate you may seem.

Go Out with Friends

If you are trying to get back together with your ex, you want to make sure that you continue on with your life. Enjoy time with friends and family. When you spend time with those you care about, you will be in a better mood. A good mood is contagious, and could spread to your ex.

Make a Romantic Gesture

A single romantic gesture can be the one thing that you need to get back together with your ex. This romantic gesture will show them that you are thinking about them, and that you are willing to go the extra mile to get back together with them.

Give Them Space

It can be difficult to do, but giving space to the person that you are trying to get back together with is the most important thing to do. You need to make sure that you give your ex time to think, and time to miss you. If you are constantly trying to talk to them, they may feel as if they do not have the space to consider getting back together with you.

Talk to Mutual Friends

Talk to mutual friends about your situation. They may know more about the thoughts and feeling about your ex than you do, and they may put in a good word for you the next time they talk to your ex.

Ask for a Date

When you feel comfortable, you need to ask your ex out on a date. Taking your ex out on a romantic and thoughtful date will give you the best chance possible at a reconciliation.

Be Patient and Slow

It is important for you to take this entire process slow. If you try to push too hard, you may push your ex away. Allow for time to play itÕs part as you work to get back together with your ex after you have broken up.

At first, you may find it difficult to follow all of these different tips. Some of these tips will go against the emotions you may feel during the process. This self-control and self restraint will help you to improve your chances of getting back together after a break up.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5 Tips On Getting Over Your First Love

For most of us, getting over your first love can seem impossible. It's hard to believe that we can ever really be happy again or that we will ever find someone who 'gets' us the same way our love did. The truth is, no matter how hard it is to believe right now, that as humans we are capable of loving many people. We can love very deeply and while we won't love each person in exactly the same way, we can have more than one 'true love' in our lifetimes. The most important thing you need to do is get yourself in a position where you will be able to love again, and that will take some time.

Here are the best steps for making a clean break so that you can move on and find love at some point:

1. You have to face the fact that your relationship is over. This is unbelievably hard to do. You thought the two of you would be together forever and you can't imagine that it could really be over. You have to face the fact that it is over and cut off all communication with your ex.

2. Do not allow yourself to hide away. A few days, or weeks, of wallowing and hiding out is ok, but after that it's time for you to rejoin the world. That's not to say that you should start dating, you probably shouldn't at this point, but you can start spending time with family and friends and not just moping around in your bathrobe for days on end.

3. Do those things that you weren't able to do when the two of you were together. In all relationships there are things that one person doesn't want to do and more often than not the person who does like to do it doesn't get the chance. Now is the time to revisit those things that you've put on hold. Remember the activities and places that once brought you joy and let them bring you joy again.

4. Take this time to reevaluate who you are and what you want. Make yourself the best 'you' you can be. Lose weight, take a class, find a new job, paint your house, it doesn't matter what it is as long as it will have a positive impact on your life. These types of activities will make you feel a little more in control and will help you grow as a person. They can also give you something to distract yourself from the pain you are feeling, at least for a short time.

5. This is the hardest one... give yourself time. Whether you believe it or not at this point, some day the pain will fade and just be a memory and when that day comes you will be ready to love again. You have to give yourself the time you need to mourn your lost love and regain your strength. Don't let others tell you when you should be over it, you will get over it at your pace. However, if you don't seem to be moving forward even a little after several months you may need to have a counselor help you through the grieving process.

Getting over your first love will seem like an impossible task. After all, this is the first time you've ever felt like this and it's easy to believe that you could never possible feel this way again, but you can, and if you give yourself time you will.

Monday, March 21, 2011

5 Questions To Ask In Serious Boyfriend-Girlfriend Relationships

There are plenty of different types of relationships in the world of dating. There are some relationships that are only about sexual relations and intimacy. There are other relationships that are simply for fun, bringing together friends as a way to enjoy time together. Finally, there are serious boyfriend/girlfriend relationships that could easily turn into something special.

It is important for both parties to be open and honest in these serious relationships. If you find that you are in a serious relationship, you need to ask your significant other a few questions.

What Are Your Goals?

If your relationship is starting to get serious, you need to talk about goals. You need to ask your boyfriend about his various goals to understand where you fit in with his life. By talking about his goals, you can work to help him to reach those goals. Try to talk about your own goals as well; this mutual understanding can help to make your relationship stronger.

Am I In Your Future?

If you are in a long and serious relationship, you may have questions about the future. While it may be risky to do so, ask your boyfriend about the future. Ask him if he can see you in his future plans. His answers may help you to better understand the status of your relationship.

What Do You Think About Kids?

As relationships go on, feelings get stronger. You need to make sure that you and your boyfriend are on the same page before you get too emotionally vested. If you want to have kids, talk to him about it. While you are not saying that you want kids right away, you are letting him know that you see kids in your future. If you are on a different page, as far as kids are concerned, you may rethink your relationship.

What Do You Think About Marriage ?

The same can be said for marriage; talk to your boyfriend about his thoughts on marriage. If he says that he never wants to get married, the relationship may not work out for you. You simply need to understand that your feelings on marriage in general are the same.

How Serious Are We?

There is nothing wrong with asking your boyfriend about the seriousness of your relationship. Ask him about the seriousness of your relationship. He may surprise you by telling you that he is more serious that you anticipated. He may also be less serious about your relationship, causing you to question the relationship as a whole.

These are just a few of the questions that you should ask in serious boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. These questions will help you to have a better understanding of one another; a crucial step in the overall process of a serious relationship. These various questions will help you to understand exactly how serious your relationship is.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Are Marriage Seminars Right For You

One of the happiest moments in life is the day you get married. At some point though, reality sets in. You still love each other, but you have to admit that you would like to get along better. Don't worry, what you're going through is perfectly normal. However, if you feel things are getting worse, or would simply like to recapture some of those original feelings you had for each other, then marriage seminars may be just the thing you need.

If you are not familiar with the concept of a marriage seminar, it is basically where experts share their advice and expertise on the subject of marriage. This may be one expert or several, and the seminar may last for one evening or run for the course of several days. Generally speaking, most marriage seminars will last for a weekend, but if that's too long for you, you can either go for one day out of that weekend, or search for shorter seminars. Many seminars are based around religion, so be sure you know the angle of the seminar before you go to avoid any surprises.

Marriage seminars, for the most part, give you the same basic benefits. You not only get a chance to review your marriage but you will also have a chance to get away from your daily routine. This is a bigger benefit than most people realize because it gives you a new setting in which to take a fresh look at how your marriage is really going.

Not being involved in the drudgery of daily life, even if for a few hours, gives you an entirely different perspective on things. This is a good thing. you will also be there with many other couples, most of which have problems that are very similar to yours. However, you don't have to have any major problems to attend marriage seminars. You can go just for the sole purpose of strengthening your marriage. Regardless of why you are there, the seminar is sure to help in some way.

The experts at marriage seminars have a different way of looking at things. That's great, but a different viewpoint isn't enough to improve your level of wedded bliss. What really counts is that they are able to give you insights about your relationship.

If you are a bit hesitant about attending your first marriage seminar, then you are not a lone. Almost every couple is anxious about their first seminar. They may feel self-conscious and unsure of what to expect. However, as they go through it, they start to notice how much it is helping. By the end of the seminar most couples have a deeper love and respect for each other. In fact, it's quite common for couples to start attending marriage seminars whenever they can.

So, what's the catch? Well, these seminars, as helpful as they are still require you to do the actual work of building a better marriage. There are also costs involved, but if you are still in love, or want to fall back in love, then marriage seminars are for you, and the cost is small when compared to your happiness.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Breakups - How To Get Him Back And Keep Him

No more breakups.. How to get him back and keep him? If you want the guy of your dreams to come back to you and what you have been doing has not worked, you need to change things up a bit and try a new strategy.

You want a relationship that makes you feel good about yourself and that you can feel good about. Having a person beside you for all the right reasons is a wonderful feeling. When you both complement each other and you realize you make a great team, nothing can stop you.

Then something happens and you find yourself on the receiving end of another one of many breakups.. how to get him back will take strength and perseverance. One of the best ways to get him to come back to you is to be sensitive to how he is feeling and to let him express how he is feeling in his way. Do not try to get him to do things he is not comfortable with. He will only resent you more.

Encourage him to express his feelings openly and honestly. Let him vent his frustration about the things that caused the break up in the first place. After he vents his frustration he may feel better and then the lines of communication can open up again and you two can have a real conversation.

Making a relationship work takes both of you. You two must be committed to each other and the relationship or else it will not work. Relationships do not just happen.

Two people meet and find they have things in common or feel a mutual attraction and decide they want to have a relationship. So they move in together and everything is wonderful for the first ten minutes. What people do not realize is that everyone is different and you need to learn how to live together.

what I mean is, one day one of you is going to do something that will annoy the other, it is inevitable. So what do you do? Like most people, you probably get a little freaked out and then start looking for other things they do that annoy you. If all these things do not get discussed and resolved they end up building up and will eventually will knock the relationship down like a house of cards.

Men and women are completely different and when you get into a relationship you need to accept that person for who they are, foibles and all. If something comes up and it will, talk about it immediately. Do not make fun or make degrading remarks when you bring it up. Whatever you think is a problem is probably something they have done that way for their entire lives. If it is a behavior that really bothers you bring it up with dignity and respect and see if they are willing to try to change.

Be prepared though, you may do something in the future to annoy him, too, and he will ask for the same consideration you asked of him. Learn to be lenient and make compromises and there will be no more breakups.. how to get him back will be a thing of the past.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Breaking Up Getting Back Together - Do It

After breaking up getting back together will not be an easy thing to do. Forgiving and forgetting past mistakes will take some effort and maybe even some counseling. Before we get to that point let's talk about things you can do on your own and together that may bring you back together first.

If whatever caused you to break up in the first place was relatively minor all it might take to get back together is a sincere apology. Saying you are sorry and meaning it can go a long way toward healing the hurt you caused. If he/she accepts your apology then everything is not lost and you can probably work your way back to being a happy couple.

Do not rush things, however, be careful not to make things worse by appearing desperate and demanding that they take you back. After breaking up getting back together and making it work the second time around is a process that cannot be rushed.

When you both have had enough time to calm down and let the hurt subside, then give your ex a call and ask to meet. If they agree to meet you, do not be late. Show them the respect they deserve and show up on time. Talk about the good times you had and keep things light. Do not get into any heavy conversation on this first meeting. There will be enough time for that later.

If all goes well on this first meeting then ask them to go with you to dinner or a movie. Afterward suggest a walk in the park and broach the subject of how you are feeling and the possibility of getting back together. They may tell you that they feel the same way you do or they may say they need more time to think. Respect their decision and back off for a while.

You can take away from the second meeting the knowledge that you planted the seed and gave them something to think about. Give them a couple of days to mull it over and then call them to just talk. Let them steer the conversation at this point and just be a good listener. You have stated your case and now the ball is in their court and you must be patient. If you get angry or seem desperate then the whole thing will blow up in your face.

If they do not give you an answer right away, plan a fun date like going to an amusement park or something. Do not treat it like you would a normal date. Tell them when you are going and that you have an extra ticket if they want to go along. If they agree to go, just have fun, do not talk about getting back together. This will be a good opportunity to show them how you have changed.

Keep in mind that after breaking up getting back together can be a whole new beginning for the two of you. Live each day to the fullest and do not take each other for granted. Life is too short to be without the one you love.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Ways To Get Ex Back - They Work

The one thing you don't want to ever have to go through, is the realization that the relationship you just ended was the perfect relationship for you. It happens a lot, people get caught up in the day to day of living and they let their relationship go a little bit and before they know it they just don't feel the connection with their partner that they used to feel. It can be easy to mistake this common issue with lost love. If that has happened to you and you want to set things right, here are the best ways to get ex back.

Before we get into the steps, I want you to carefully consider a few things. One thing you need to consider is what is the reason you want to get your ex back. This is extremely important because it's way too easy to decide you want them back for the wrong reasons. You may be able to convince yourself that you want them back because you love them, and maybe you still do, but if you were ok with the breakup until you heard they started dating someone else than suddenly you decided they were your soul mate, that's the wrong reason.

Another common reason, that many people don't admit to themselves, is that they just don't want to have to go through the hassle of finding someone new. Both of these things can be in the background without you really being aware of them so you need to take a minute, catch your breath and honestly analyze your motives.

You also have to have realistic expectations. While even the most impossible situations can work out, every situation is different and the people in the relationships are different. While this strategy has worked for many, many people it may not work for you. If your ex simply doesn't care for you anymore, there is nothing more you can do but to walk away with your head held high. Don't make things worse by trying to hold on to your ex beyond all hope or reason, learn when it's time to move on and let go.

If you really want the best chance possible for getting back with your ex, your best approach is to give them some space while you live your life. This is hard to do. For one thing, you'll miss your ex and want to talk to them. Another common issue is that it's easy to worry that they will meet someone new and get over you. Though that may seem viable, it's not really. It takes time to fallout of love with someone. If your ex still loves you, they won't fall for someone else soon after you've broken up. When I say 'soon' I mean for months, maybe longer. It takes time to get someone out of your heart and head. So give them space and don't worry about what they're doing, you've got your own life to live.

While you're giving your ex space you should be spending a lot of time with your friends and family, only the happy positive ones. Live your life to the fullest. This will show your ex that you are still the fun loving, emotionally free person they fell in love with. It will also allow you some much needed peace from your own thoughts. While you won't totally forget about your ex, if you're spending fun times with friends you may just be able to get a little relief from your pain.

If you and your ex have any shot at reconciling,both of you will need to commit 100% to working on the issues in your relationship. It's common for one person to want it more than the other so they'll be willing to put in more work, the problem is that that approach doesn't work. You both made the problems you'll both have to solve the problems otherwise there isn't any hope. after you've spent some time apart from your ex, call them and ask if they want to get together. When you meet, keep things easy going, and when you talk about your relationship, pay very close attention to the way they respond. That will tell you all you need to know.

These steps are the best ways to get ex back, they don't work all the time but they do work most of the time. Go for it, see what happens.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

6 Romantic Things To Do For Your Boyfriend

There are plenty of relationships that only see romance as a one-way street. They think that the boyfriend should always do romantic things for the girlfriend, and that the girlfriend does not need to do anything. While this may work for some, it is not the best way to go about a relationship.

It is important for women to take charge and do a few romantic things for their boyfriends. It helps to show the boyfriend that they are appreciated, wanted, and loved. These 6 different ideas will give you romantic things to do for your boyfriend.

Kiss Him Passionately

Passionate kisses can be some of the most romantic kisses possible. Try to pull off these kisses at unusual times and unusual places. Do you normally give your boyfriend a peck on the cheek when he goes out the door for work?

Give him a long, passionate kiss instead. This simple change can help to re-ignite passion and romance in your relationship.

Buy New Lingerie

Men are often turned on by women who go out of their way to do something special for them. Buy some new lingerie and show it off for him the next time that you are alone with him. This simple gesture can be seen as both romantic and sexy.

Make Him Dinner

Everyone likes to be pampered and taken care of. Prepare and cook a meal for your boyfriend, especially if you both live busy lives. Taking the time to make him dinner will be seen as a romantic and caring gesture.

Buy Him Tickets

Does your boyfriend have a favorite sports team? Buy him tickets to a home game for that team. You will be able to go to the game together, sharing a romantic moment that is completely linked with one of his favorite things.

Give Him a Massage

A massage can be one of the most romantic things that you can do for someone that you love. A massage helps to relax your boyfriend and make him feel less-tense. The fact that you are willing to give him a massage with no expectations of a return will be seen as a romantic gesture.

Tell Him He's Hot

Words can often be one of the most powerful tools that we use. Use your words to make your boyfriend feel good about himself. Simple phrases like "wow, you look hot" or "you're so sexy!" will help to boost his confidence. While he may not realize it, this brings a new level of romance into your relationship.

Take the time to think about all of the different romantic things to do for your boyfriend. You can bring different ideas together to create one romantic evening, or can spread them out to bring multiple nights of romantic bliss. Taking the time to do romantic things for your boyfriend will help to strengthen your relationship, and will help to make your boyfriend as happy as physically possible.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Best Friend In Rebound Relationship With Ex - Dont Despair

What do you do when you discover your best friend in rebound relationship with ex? You thought that the break up with your ex was only a temporary separation and you would soon work things out and get back together. Every relationship has it's problems, right?

Now you feel betrayed and all alone. You can't even talk to your best friend because your best friend is one of the people who has betrayed you. You are still in love with your ex and want them back. So what do you do?

You may feel confused, hurt, and angry. All of these feelings are normal and it is ok to feel them for as long as you need to but you need to learn how to handle them properly, especially if you want your ex back. Do not let the anger and hurt consume you. Keep yourself busy with other things to take your mind off everything.

If your best friend is in a rebound relationship with your ex, do not panic. Do not fly off the handle and confront them right away either. Rebound relationships are notorious for not lasting long. If you are patient you may just be able to play things right and get your ex back after the rebound relationship is over.

Stay calm and try to remain friends with your ex. Show them that they made a mistake by rebounding with your best friend. Best friend, yeah right. What kind of friend would intentionally betray someone they consider their best friend over a boyfriend or girlfriend? No one I want as a friend.

Anyway, if you still want your ex back, just be patient and let the rebound relationship run it's course. When the rebound relationship is all done and over, continue to be patient and take things slow. Do not expect to just pick up the relationship where you left off. You should treat this as a new relationship, take things slow and try to work on what went wrong in the first relationship.

Ask your ex to meet you for coffee and work your way up to dinner and a movie. Keep communication a priority and talk about everything. You have the advantage of knowing each other already so you can expand on that and truly learn how and what the other is thinking and feeling.

In trying to treat this as a new relationship, let all bygones be bygones and do not hold on to any grudges about past mistakes. Forgive and forget. If you find yourselves playing the blame game and holding on to grudges, your relationship will not last. The best thing you can do at this point is go talk to a counselor and try to work things out before your relationship ends for a second time.

So if your best friend in rebound relationship with ex and you want your ex back, the way to go about it is to be patient, take things slow, forget about past mistakes, learn to forgive one another, and see a counselor if you need to.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

4 Reasons to Avoid Boyfriend-Girlfriend Quizzes

There are a lot of quizzes on the Internet that aim to analyze your relationship. They want to tell you how compatible you are with your boyfriend, and they want to tell you how good of a boyfriend or girlfriend you have. Some quizzes even aim to tell you whether or not your significant other is cheating on you. These quizzes cause nothing but problems and issues in relationships, and should be avoided.

Here are 4 major reasons to avoid boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes.

They're Making you Paranoid

You may not realize it, but these quizzes may actually be making you paranoid, as far as your relationship is concerned. The quizzes will give you advice that could cause you to question the merits of your significant other, and of your relationship. Unfortunately, many of these quizzes make these assertions without any proof. You may start to believe that your relationship isn't as good as it could be simply because of bad advice from an online quiz.

They're Too General

These types of quizzes are far too general. They ask broad, sweeping questions that do not actually indicate anything, positive or negative. Their generalizations could hurt your views of your relationship, and for no good reason.

Relationships are Unique

It is important to understand that each and every relationship is unique. Your connection and interactions with your boyfriend or girlfriend are different than any other connection you will have. Relationships are unique, and should be viewed and analyzed as such. When you rely on a quiz that is full of generalization, you rely on something that is not taking your relationship into account. Your relationship is too unique to be thrown in with simple relationship generalizations.

It Can Lower your Trust

Many will find that online quizzes can actually lower their trust, causing multiple problems in their relationship. If you start to see quizzes that talk about cheating boyfriends or girlfriends, you may begin to question the loyalty in your own relationship. Suddenly, problems that do not even exist are being brought up. You should trust that you understand your boyfriend or girlfriend, and that they are being open and honest with you. If you truly believe these things, you will find little to no need for these types of quizzes or tests.

You may turn to boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes for advice for your relationship. These quizzes should actually be the last place that you would look for relationship advice. It is ok to be confused about your relationship; simply talk to family and friends about your relationship and how you feel about your significant other. The words of advice and encouragement that they can provide will be more thoughtful, personalized, and realistic than any advice you would receive from these types of quizzes.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

After Relationships Help - Do And Dont Do

If you're reading this article, I guess you've just got out of a relationship. It doesn't matter if it was a mutual decision, your decision or if the decision was made for you, it's still a very difficult thing to go through. Most of us would like to end the suffering and pain (and maybe guilt) as soon as possible but many people turn to the wrong things and the wrong people to help them get over a breakup. Avoid making the mistakes that will only add to your pain in the long run, use these after relationships help tips so you can move on quickly and with your dignity.

When it comes to handling a breakup there are two distinct lists you need to follow: a list of what to do and a list of what not to do. If you follow both lists you can move on a lot easier. Here are the dos and don'ts:


Enjoy yourself. Have fun (as much as possible at least). Even though it may seem impossible if you surround yourself with a good group of friends you can actually have a little fun during this time, you just have to let yourself. Allow yourself to be distracted and don't hang on to your pain, try to learn to let it go or at least learn to put it (and leave it) in the back of your mind. Spending time with your pals doing fun things can help you accomplish that goal.

Go for that makeover you've been thinking about. Now is a great time to focus on you in a positive way. It may be time to get n shape, move, learn a new skill, take up a new hobby, get some new clothes, or just get a new hairstyle. It doesn't have to be big it just needs to be something that will make you feel more positive about yourself and the future and give you a reason to smile.

Only allow yourself to think about your relationship from the standpoint of what you can learn from your mistakes. This is not the time to wallow and obsess over every conversation and all the endless what ifs. This is the time to analyze what went wrong and what you can do in your next relationship to make sure you don't repeat the same mistakes. This may mean that you redefine the type of person you become involved with in the first place.


Don't try to talk your ex into getting back with you. Even if there is a chance that the two of you can reconcile some day, you need to give things time so you can be sure you are getting back together for the right reasons and not just because you're afraid of being lonely. Give it time.

Don't rewind every conversation and every comment to death. As I said above, any time you think of your relationship it should be from the standpoint of what can I do better next time and not what should I have done differently this time.

Don't hook up with everyone you find. That is not fair to you or the new person in your life. They don't deserve to feel like they are second string just because you are hurting. Just keep your social interactions restricted to family and friends and put the romance on hold for a while.

In all aspects of life we can be challenged to find the right path and to do the right things. This is very true when it comes to finding constructive things to do to help you move on after relationships end. By following the simple common sense advice above you will greatly improve your chances of moving on more quickly, with less pain, and with less baggage. Don't make things harder than they already are, use your head while your heart is mending.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Are Marriage Seminars Right For You

One of the happiest moments in life is the day you get married. At some point though, reality sets in. You still love each other, but you have to admit that you would like to get along better. Don't worry, what you're going through is perfectly normal. However, if you feel things are getting worse, or would simply like to recapture some of those original feelings you had for each other, then marriage seminars may be just the thing you need.

If you are not familiar with the concept of a marriage seminar, it is basically where experts share their advice and expertise on the subject of marriage. This may be one expert or several, and the seminar may last for one evening or run for the course of several days. Generally speaking, most marriage seminars will last for a weekend, but if that's too long for you, you can either go for one day out of that weekend, or search for shorter seminars. Many seminars are based around religion, so be sure you know the angle of the seminar before you go to avoid any surprises.

Marriage seminars, for the most part, give you the same basic benefits. You not only get a chance to review your marriage but you will also have a chance to get away from your daily routine. This is a bigger benefit than most people realize because it gives you a new setting in which to take a fresh look at how your marriage is really going.

Not being involved in the drudgery of daily life, even if for a few hours, gives you an entirely different perspective on things. This is a good thing. you will also be there with many other couples, most of which have problems that are very similar to yours. However, you don't have to have any major problems to attend marriage seminars. You can go just for the sole purpose of strengthening your marriage. Regardless of why you are there, the seminar is sure to help in some way.

The experts at marriage seminars have a different way of looking at things. That's great, but a different viewpoint isn't enough to improve your level of wedded bliss. What really counts is that they are able to give you insights about your relationship.

If you are a bit hesitant about attending your first marriage seminar, then you are not a lone. Almost every couple is anxious about their first seminar. They may feel self-conscious and unsure of what to expect. However, as they go through it, they start to notice how much it is helping. By the end of the seminar most couples have a deeper love and respect for each other. In fact, it's quite common for couples to start attending marriage seminars whenever they can.

So, what's the catch? Well, these seminars, as helpful as they are still require you to do the actual work of building a better marriage. There are also costs involved, but if you are still in love, or want to fall back in love, then marriage seminars are for you, and the cost is small when compared to your happiness.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Simple Plan For How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

No two ways about it, emotions run high after a break up. That's a completely natural reaction, but these emotions can work against you, especially if you are wondering how to get your ex boyfriend back. There aren't any high school classes that teach us how to handle break ups which means we often have to navigate the situation on our own; stumbling through it all and hoping we're going about it the right way. The good news is that all you really need to increase your chances of success is a simple plan like the one that follows.

You need to give your ex some time and space. This has the dual effect of giving each of you a chance to calm down and collect your thoughts, as well as sending your ex boyfriend the signal that you are doing fine without him. What? That's right. Even though you may feel like a wreck without having him in your life, you have to show how much you don't need him.

Do what you can to reconnect with any family and friends that you haven't talked to in a while. Now, you don't want to whine about everything and unload all of your problems on them. But you should certainly feel free to just talk to them and draw emotional support from them; not necessarily in a direct way, but from the fact that you have a social circle of people that care about you.

While it's not a part of the overall plan, you may wish to ask your family and friends what they saw as the downfall of your relationship. Be cautious though. If they didn't like your ex, they may place undue blame on him. On the other hand, if they did like him, they may lay more blame on you. However, you could also hear some things you weren't aware of, and will be able to fix those things.

Regardless of whether or not you ask the people you know, you have to reflect on what went wrong. You need to try to look at it as logically as possible, as though you were an outside observer.

After taking some time away from each other and finding out what went wrong, it's time to talk to your ex. Do not make the mistake of baring all of your feelings at once. You need to keep the first conversations light and positive. Over the course of several conversations, you can start talking about what went wrong, how you plan on doing better, and the possibility of getting back together. That's really about all there is to how to get your ex boyfriend back. However, this or any other plan is totally useless if you don't follow through on the steps. So, the choice is yours. You can read this and keep hoping, or you can actually do something to make it happen.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can A Marriage Quiz Help

If you read magazines or surf the internet, then you have probably seen a marriage quiz or two. They promise to tell you about the health of your marriage or how to improve it, and all you have to do is answer a handful of questions. But the real question whether or not such quizzes can have any kind of real impact on your relationship. When it comes down to it, it's better to have more information about your marriage than less, yet you should remain cautious when you look at the results of any marriage quiz you take.

There is no doubt that these types of quizzes are popular. That's why they seem to turn up as often as they do; the people who publish them know they will attract more people to their magazine or website. And it's no wonder when you consider that no marriage is perfect, which makes for a compelling reason for people to take such quizzes.

While marriage quizzes may be fun to take, there are times when they may do more harm than good. The problem is brief or incomplete quizzes can't really give you a real picture of where your relationship stands. The potential then exists for getting the wrong idea, and that can lead to unnecessary stress and insecurity. That's why you should think of most marriage quizzes as nothing more than a form of entertainment.

Let's face it, you can't determine how healthy your marriage is by selecting your favorite food, color or television show. Decent marriages are not based on any of these things, and neither are decent marriage quizzes. Again, you can take any of these quizzes you like, just remember to not take them too seriously. But even the least insightful quiz may have some value.

While the majority of marriage quizzes lack substance, you can still use them to improve your marriage. How can you do this? By using them as a means of starting a conversation. Let your spouse know you just took the quiz and then tell them how useless or stupid you think it was (or whatever other commentary you would like to make). You can then suggest they take it too, then compare your assessment of the quiz. This is a very non-threatening way to start talking about deeper issues. That's because you will be discussing the quiz itself, but because the topic is really marriage, it will be easy to steer the conversation in that direction.

There is one type of marriage quiz that could be quite useful for most couples. What we're referring to is a quiz that both spouses write together. You each write ten questions or so, and then combine them into one quiz. Then both of you take the quiz and compare answers when you're done. The questions you put on your quiz are entirely up to you. Don't worry about getting the answers right or wrong. The whole purpose is to get both of you talking about your marriage, and if a little quiz can do that, then it's worth taking it.