Saturday, August 28, 2010

How Do I Get My Husband To Love Me Again

"Dear Abby. . .How do I get my husband to love me again?" Have you been thinking this to yourself and wondering where to turn for help? You're marriage has gone stale and you don't know exactly why, or even if you do know why, you don't know exactly what to do about it.

What usually happens unfortunately is that as time passes, the powerful love, respect and admiration that women feel from their husband is replaced by feelings of hurt, awkwardness and distance. Some women are sure that their husbands have fallen out of love with them. sometimes the husband actually spells it out. Or sometimes the husband denies this but the "something's-wrong-feelings" are still around. If you feel that your husband has fallen out of love with you, there are steps you can take to bring you back to where you once were in your relationship and/or to make your marriage even stronger.

Try to think back to when you and your husband first fell in love. Do you remember what you loved about him and what he loved about you? Of course we all change as we get older so some of our qualities have become stronger and some have disappeared. A really common example of this is when a career-woman becomes a stay-at-home mom.

Sometimes husbands miss the way their wives were before they became homemakers. So now you're thinking, "Well, I can't do anything about that!" To some extent that's true. You have a new and important role now in life that you shouldn't give up but you could try to add some variety in every once in a while by taking a night off to go out with friends or volunteer for a cause. This will remind your husband, and probably even yourself, that you are a multi faceted person with a lot to offer.

Here is something else that you need to consider if you're trying to get your husband to fall back in love with you. Remember what the bible says? "Do unto others as you would have done to you. . ."? How are you treating your husband? Of course how you act towards him may be altered if you feel that he doesn't love you anymore. But how have you been treating him in the last few years even before you noticed the change in him? It's easy and commonplace to start taking your husband for granted once you're married and even more so after the years go on. He probably does the same with you.

Maybe you've been dedicating yourself to the children for the most part and that means less one-on-one time with your man? Or maybe you're constantly nagging him about certain things you want done around the house which he neglects to do?

If you can switch your behavior around and start treating your husband the way you would like to be treated, he will eventually catch on and do the same. By letting your husband know that you appreciate and love him, you'll bring the two of you closer. And that is one answer to your question "How do I get my husband to love me again?"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How To Be A Girlfriend Without Driving Him Away

Isn't it funny what we wonder about? I mean if you are thinking about how to be a girlfriend, it would suggest that something isn't working in your relationship. Or perhaps you thought it was working but you have just been dumped.

Hollywood makes having a perfect relationship seem so easy. In fact all the famous love stories do i.e. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Pretty Woman all finish when the couple get together. They don't hang around for the difficult part i.e. when she discovers he snores in bed and puts his dirty socks under the bed rather than in the laundry. He finds out that she may be gorgeous but has a wicked temper and is quite demanding at times.

So what do you have to do to be a great girlfriend? You must accept your man for who he is. Far too many women get involved with "Mr ok but will soon change him to be Mr right". That is insulting for both of you. He doesn't deserve to be your pet project but deserves someone who will accept him for who he currently is. But you are also letting yourself down by settling for second best. It would be better not to be a girlfriend than to be the nagging partner no man wants.

You can be part of a couple and have an independent life. Some women find a man and then spend all their time with him. While it is normal to enjoy spending time with the man in your life, you need to have some time away too if only to have something to talk about when you do meet up. Men appreciate space and time with their mates. When he is having some time out, don't keep texting him as he will think you are stalking him.

Have conversations with your man rather than one sided lectures. It is difficult for most men to get excited about the latest plot on a soap opera or what the current fashion is. Try to talk about topics that interest the both of you and every so often shut up and let him talk as well. God gave you one mouth and two ears for a reason, use them in proportion.

Just because your man wants you as his girlfriend doesn't mean that he is going to fall in love with your family and friends too. So long as he is polite to them, don't push him into being anything else. Relationships develop over time but there is a chance he may never like your best mate. That is life and you can't change it.

Always be honest with your man and for goodness sake drop the mind games. Whoever told a woman that men are intrigued by mind games obviously drank too much alcohol.

There is a tried and tested recipe for success in all relationships. I am guessing you are not sure what it is if you are asking how to be a girlfriend. Don't you think now would be a good time to find out?

Monday, August 23, 2010

He Broke Up With Me - How Do I Get Him Back

He broke up with me, how do I get him back in my life is something we have all asked ourselves at some point. Perhaps this is the first time a man has dumped you. Or maybe this is your first relationship break up.

Either way you need to examine why you want this person back. Are you really in love with them and want a relationship with this person or is your ego hurting? We often are not too interested in someone until they make the decision that they no longer like us. Suddenly we find them attractive again or we may decide that if anyone is going to break up we will be the one to do it. So before you waste your time and energy getting this man back into your life, make sure that you really want him. If you are trying to get back at him, forget about it. The only person you will hurt is yourself and that is never a good thing.

Most adults have been dumped at some point and while it is not a nice feeling, it is not the end of the world. You will kiss many frogs before you find your prince and some of those frogs may finish with you first.

If you are really in love with him, do you know why he finished the relationship? Did you hurt him? Were you unfaithful or mean or ungrateful? If your behaviour was the reason he finished with you, then you need to apologise to him. Tell him you are sorry and ask for another chance.

If you do not know why the relationship brok up and are certain you want this man back, you need to use some female wiles. Dress to impress all the time so that when you bump into him, he will see what he is missing. Go on friendly dates with other men, but don't over do it. It's true we all want what we cannot have and if your ex sees you dating new men, he may get jealous and decide he wants you for himself. However, this particula tatic can back fire on you very easily.

Have fun and enjoy yourself as this will leave a sparkle in your eye. Nobody wants a desperate unhappy person, they are a drag to be around. Act like a bright candle attracting various people around you. Go out and enjoy yourself. Your mutual friends are bound to report back to your ex that you are having a really good time. This will not do much for his ego.

Pretend not to be interested in your ex so that he has to work harder to get you back. If he seems to be interested, you can discretely encourage his attention but do not dwell on his every word. Make him see that you have a life and if he wants to be a part of it again, he needs to make an effort.

He broke up with me, how do I get him back may be quite an easy question to answer - give it a shot today and see.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How Do I Win Ex Back Advice That Works

When you initially break up with someone you can feel a lot of different emotions but you don't usually wonder how to win ex back until some time has passed. When you realize that the person who shared your life was the one you wanted. You may have broken up because you felt you were missing out on something.

We can all suffer from something known as the grass being greener. This is where we think other people have a better lifestyle and we are missing out. We can take the people we love for granted and decide for whatever reason that there is someone better out there who will make a more perfect partner.

But the single life is not that attractive and after a while we start to wonder how to win ex back. Thankfully it is not that difficult once you know what you are doing and don't make any stupid mistakes. Too often we think that just because we are missing our ex partners, they are missing us too. We decide that a bunch of flowers and a nice meal is all that is needed to sort it out. But this is real life and not the movies and it will often take a lot more than this to end up back together.

Love is such a powerful emotion. It can cause huge happiness but it can also cause a lot of sadness. When someone trusts you with their love, they expect to be treated with respect. They do not expect you to betray them or hurt them. Even if you have not had an affair, the very fact you broke up will have hurt the other person. It will have dented their confidence and their belief in themselves as well as your relationship.

You need to apply a lot of strategies to convince them to give you another chance. It helps if you can see their point of view. Try to understand how they are feeling and take things gently and at their pace. You may need to convince them that you are not just bored of single life but actually miss them as a person. You will have to remind them of all the reasons why they fell in love with you and why your relationship as a couple is worth salvaging.

You cannot push another person to fall in love with you so don't try. Getting angry or jealous won't work either. You need to show them that you are mature and worth their time. You need to prove that you are 100% committed to achieving happiness as a couple and that you want them in your life forever and not just because you are now lonely.

It is well worth reading a couple of relationship advice books to make sure that you give this chance to win ex back your best shot. We often only get one real chance to convince our ex partners to take us back. Don't ruin it by being unprepared.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How To Get An Ex Boyfriend Back

How to get an ex boyfriend back is a tough thing to do especially if he doesn’t want to come back. His not wanting to take you back may be a short-term situation or it might be a long term one. Largely it depends on the situation. You can’t force him to change his mind but you can do some things that might help influence him. Part of it comes in knowing what went wrong and why. The rest comes in finding what can be done differently and then convincing him that it can be. How to get an ex boyfriend back may be a tough road to travel and the destination may be unknown but it could result in a lifetime of rewards.

What happened to get you to this point where you need to know how to get an ex boyfriend back in the first place? You need to take an honest look at what happened in the relationship. Was it something that you did or something that he did? If it was something that he did, you may want to rethink the whole thing because you need to be absolutely sure that he isn’t going to do it again. If it was something that you did then what was it that brought you to the point that a split would happen? What and where did things go wrong? Most importantly, what is going to keep it from happening again? You have to have an answer for this.

What is going to be done differently if you are successful in finding out how to get an ex boyfriend back? Why should he believe that things are changed or will be different? Are you changing some things? Is he? This will take more than just words and a desire to be better: it will take action. It will take effort on both your part and his. In this you must be willing to lead by example and you may have to prove that you are trustworthy in this before he will give you another chance.

Proving to him that you are able to have a better relationship may be the most difficult part of it. If there are mistakes that have been made in the past that kept recurring, how can you prove that it won’t happen again? Only one way it can happen and that is to be incredibly diligent in your efforts to not let that happen again. If someone wants you to stop smoking and it is important to not let them down then how are you going to show that you can stop? Easy answer, you don’t do it anymore. You avoid situations where you are likely to crave it or where you might be tempted to do it. You also seek help. That is what it is going to take with learning how to get an ex boyfriend back.

You won’t be able to do it on your own. Restoring a broken relationship will take more than your efforts and desires. It will take both of you. You need an ally to help you get things back together. Once you have gotten your ex boyfriend convinced that it is worth working on then you will have your ally and will have found out how to get an ex boyfriend back.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How To Be Romantic With Your Girlfriend And Be A Winner

It is no wonder we are confused as sometimes our good intention are met with obvious disapproval. Like the last time I bought my partner roses. She was going out on a night out and I thought she would be really surprised. She was but all I got was earache and sore arms. She kept wondering what I had done that I had to buy her red roses and guess who got to carry the bunch around all night. So my expensive gesture fell flat on its face and didn't improve things at all. She blamed me for ruining her night out and we ended up having another blazing row. In hindsight it was a little silly sending her flowers to her office when I knew she was going out on the town that Friday night.

These are the types of mistakes I used to make all the time. Instead of making my relationship happier, it only led to more rows. In desperation I started to buy women's magazines to see if I could get any insight into her mind but that didn't work and I sure got some funny looks down at the Mall. Eventually I bit the bullet and bought a relationship course.

You see I didn't know that there is a recipe for relationship success. Sure some people have it without resorting to books but these people are in the minority. Others, like me, are constantly wondering why they get it wrong so often. It can get so bad that you end up wondering whether they are with the wrong partner. But the truth is that communication between the two sexes isn't always easy. There are plenty of mixed messages and confusing signals.

Men usually don't find talking easy whereas it would seem that women have to talk all the time. You need to listen when they want to chat; in fact they find this romantic. Grand gestures like the red roses are easy to arrange. You just phone the florist and give them your credit card number. It takes a lot more effort to clean the house and cook a special dinner as a surprise for when she gets home. Or if you have kids, find a babysitter and take your partner out for the evening.

Why do you think so many couples who appear well suited break up? They haven't all had affairs. In fact if you ask them why they have broken up, they usually can't tell you but more often than not they want to get back with their ex. But you will often find that they haven't spent any time on their own together recently.

Let me tell you if you think it is difficult to answer how to be romantic with your girlfriend, you should try doing it when she is your ex! So don't make the same mistakes I did. Get a blueprint to having a successful happy relationship today and soon all your friends will be asking you for relationship advice.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How To Be Affectionate With Your Girlfriend and Keep Her

Falling out of love can happen to all couples regardless of how strong their relationship was. In order to recover the magic, you need to learn how to be affectionate with your girlfriend. There are different ways of learning. You can ask an older man in a successful relationship for some advice. You could talk to your friends but do yourself a favor and only listen to the ones that are happily involved. The others are single for a reason. Or you could buy a great book, read it and put the theory into practice.

Women are often complex creatures but the majority just love it when you show affection. Now I mean real affection and not just a pre sex hug. Sex is a different animal to men and women. In a committed relationship, women often use sex to show affection and appreciation whereas men are less likely to think that deeply about it. They may just care whether it is any good or not or if it is even available. If a woman is hurt or upset you can usually gauge it from the warmth of the response she shows to your advances. If she usually initiates making love but hasn't, you can bet a dollar there is something wrong. It may not be your fault but she may be holding you responsible anyway.

If you read any decent book giving advice on relationships, you will know that one way to get more sex is to do more around the house and not leave everything to your other half. Another way is to show her affection when she least expects it. Hold her hand while on a walk, carry her shopping, collect her from work if it is raining or buy her flowers even though it isn't her birthday or your anniversary. Arrange to spend time together doing something that the two of you love.

Most romantic partnerships don't break down because of affairs or other huge events but because the little things are missing. If you feel that you are drifting apart, get some help and advice on how to put everything back on course. Don't ignore the signs of unhappiness hoping they will go away. Women can easily feel ignored and taken for granted and you may only be distracted by your job or financial situation. She may feel that you must have another woman in your life as you aren't interested in her any more. Or perhaps she is feeling used. Be honest, is the only time you show her affection those nights when you are hoping sex is on the menu?

So how do you get the love back into your relationship? There are many ways but perhaps one you could try is to pretend you are dating again. How did you treat your partner when you just met? She is still with you, for now anyway, so you must have done something right.

You need to find out now how to be affectionate with your girlfriend or you just might find someone else has been!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How To Get Back An Ex and Make It Stick

When wondering how to get back an ex, we often forget that we are working from a position of strength. If you are trying to convince a new potential partner to notice you, you may have to try various different tricks to gain their attention. You don't know them so you don't know which buttons to press.

But when dealing with your ex, you know exactly what they like and don't like. You know which clothes they prefer you to wear, what scent or cologne, where they hang out and what they like doing in their spare time. You know her favorite flowers or what team he supports. You know this person intimately and you can use this knowledge to your advantage. OK, you also have the disadvantage of the fact that you have already broken up once but that is not the end of the world. We all make mistakes and thankfully most can be rectified.

So don't despair, you have a lot of things going for you. Millions of couples the world over break up and get back together again and so can you. You just need to know how to approach your ex-partner and convince them that you deserve another chance. Honest communication is the best policy. Don't be tempted to play games, you are not a child and this is not the playground. Some people will tell you that you should try and make your ex jealous. But trying to hurt anyone doesn't show any respect for that person's feelings never mind those of the person you are using.

Unfortunately how to have a successful relationship is not a subject taught in school. Some of us are lucky to have parents who are still together and have shown us by their example, what a happy partnership is. But all too often this is not enough. Go into any bookshop and you will see shelves of books on relationships. How to make them better, how to make them work, how to meet the right man or woman, how to keep them once you meet them etc. You think of any question you may have had about your relationship and there is a probably a book written to answer it.

But reading loads of books won't turn you into a relationship expert overnight. You need to read the right material. You need to know that other people have found these books useful and been successful in attracting their ex back into their lives.

You want a course that doesn't promise the earth but will help you to resolve your differences with your ex and enable you to become a happy couple once again. Sometimes these books will claim to make you totally irresistible to the other sex. But this isn't what you want. There is only one person you are interested in getting back. So, it really is up to you. You can stay home and be miserable wondering how to get back an ex or you can be constructive and take positive steps and hopefully soon you will be back in the arms of your lover once more.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Heartbroken Sayings Can Comfort And Inspire You

Sometimes our own words do not suffice. Finding the right words to truly express how we feel can be difficult, especially if you have been unlucky in love. Using heartbroken sayings can be comforting and help you not feel as alone as you learn how others have coped with loss and have expressed how they feel.

Quotes about heartbreak are numerous and can be quite eloquent or even funny. Here are some notable heartbroken sayings and hopefully they will help you:

- “Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.” – Washington Irving. Coming from the man who wrote the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, this is a surprising sentiment, but it offers a positive spin on unrequited love.

- “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.” – Richard Bach. This is a famous love quote that offers some comfort if you have loved and lost. Setting them free can also be interpreted also as giving them some space rather than your relationship breaking up completely.

- “What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.” - Richard Wilbur. This quote makes a simple but eloquent statement. This makes the point that there were two of you in the relationship, so each of you has suffered the heartbreak of breaking up. This is easy to forget if you only focus on how you are feeling.

- “Sadness flies away on the wings of time.” - Jean de La Fontaine. What you are feeling right now will not last forever even though it may not feel like that now. Make sure to allow yourself time to grieve the loss of a relationship. Moving on too quickly can be more detrimental in the long run.

- “Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.” - Charlie Brown. Leave it to Charles Schultz to describe a feeling so simply. With such a simple statement, we can all understand the sentiment behind the quote easily.

- “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.” - Author Unknown. While our first instinct is to do everything we can to mend the relationship, sometimes it is better that it ends as that may cause more heartbreak.

- “I don't know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too.” - Missy Altijd. Love lost can affect you in many ways, including feeling pain throughout your body along with the emotional pain. What we project mentally can manifest physically. If you decide to project positivity, it can help ease your pain.

- “Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll.” - Author Unknown. This is a reminder to count our blessings and while we may be hurting from a break up, we should still value the relationship we lost.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

How To Convince Your Ex Boyfriend To Get Back Together

If you are reading this, you are obviously looking to convince your ex boyfriend to get back together. But the question you should be asking yourself is why? Do you really want this person back or are you just feeling lonely and frightened of being single.

Being single can be great fun but it is a different lifestyle from that of a couple. You don't have to please anybody else which can be liberating but being on your own again can also be scary. You may feel that you will never meet Mr Right and that time is passing you by.

But never get back with your ex boyfriend just because you are scared of being on your own. He may be your ex but the next guy on the block may be the ONE. If you split for silly reasons such as game playing or a temper tantrum and you want this guy back then it is best to try and apologise for your behaviour.

If he decided to break up with you, he may have got cold feet. Guys don't always want to admit that they prefer spending time with one lady rather than playing the field. Examine your relationship and see if this could be the case with your guy.

Signs to look out for include the way he treated you. If he usually behaved like a gentleman then there is a good chance he is regretting the break up. Another good sign is if he introduced you to his family, in particular his mother. Men don't tend to bring home their girlfriends unless they are pretty serious about her and sees a future together.

So when trying to convince your ex boyfriend to come home, you need to try to see the relationship from your partners point of vuew. Being able to see each other's perspective gives you a better chance of resolving your differences. You will both need the freedom to express your feelings even if these are potentially hurtful for the other person to hear.

So long as both parties don't use this opportunity as a means of hurting each other, you stand a good chance of working through the issues. Knowing how to criticise and accept criticism is a good starting point for any relationship.

You both need to be assertive and decide what it is that you want out of this relationship. Knowing where you stand means that you can both move forward with your lives even if it means that you do split up. Hopefully you will decide that you want to be together and are more committed to resolving your differences.

If you do feel angry then let it show. Just be sure that when you show your anger you don’t reject your partner at the same time. You are trying to help him realise that you belong together and not apart.

Following these tips may help to convince your ex-boyfriend to get back together. Good luck.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How To Get Ex Girlfriend Back She May Not Mean To Break Up

There is no question that women are dramatic. They often say or do things that they really don’t mean. Three fourths of the break ups are initiated by women. But, often they don’t really “mean” to break up. They are just being their normal drama queen selves. But, if you react to a break up badly, you may lose your girlfriend forever. So, here’s how to get ex girlfriend back.

First of all, give her some space. If you don’t call her, she may call you.

Give her a chance to learn what life without you is really like. She may not like staying in on a Saturday night. She may miss cuddling – or more.

By maintaining phone silence, you are also letting her know that you can live without her. She has to decide whether she wants you, because you are prepared to move on.

This is an important tactic in the how to get ex girlfriend back strategy because you may be dying to make up with her. Still, you must stay on the program.

Don’t make a dramatic gesture of your own. Don’t send flowers. Don’t send a long love letter. And, don’t stand under her window and sing!

If she hasn’t called you after a week or so, you need to initiate contact. Email her and casually ask how things are going. Try to keep things unemotional. You want to appear to be pursuing a “just friends” strategy.

If this isn’t enough, you may have to step things up. You can send her a text message, write on her facebook wall, or call her about once a week. Occasionally show up somewhere she hangs out. But don’t bug her. Be prepared to talk to other people.

Make sure that you remember the important dates in her life. You should always send a card or small gift on her birthday so she knows you are thinking about her during the day that belongs to her. If you have a meaningful anniversary, you might want to drop her a note telling her what it means to you. But keep it short and sweet.

If she hasn’t indicated that she’s ready to get back together with you after a month or so, you have to start thinking about the rest of your life. If you’ve learned that you can live without her, you may just want to look for a new girlfriend.

But if you still want to know how to get ex girlfriend back, you can step things up.

For instance, ask one of her friends out and then call her and ask her what kind of restaurant you should take the friend to on the date. This will get her thinking about whether she is ready to really let you go.

At this point, she may just make another dramatic gesture. She may say that she wants you back on whatever terms you set.

Most importantly, you should never “stalk” your ex girlfriend. Think of the song “I’ll Be Watching You” as a guide of things NOT to do. Being relaxed and casual about the future of your relationship is your best bet.

And, that’s how to get ex girlfriend back.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How To Get Back With Ex

Are you thinking about ways how to get back with ex? Almost every adult on the planet has gone through a relationship break up at some point in their lives. Most of the time people simply move through the hurt and try to move on.

What these people don't realize is that around 90% of all relationship break ups could have been stopped and if they've already happened, then they can be reversed.

The first step in learning how to get back with your ex is to look objectively at why the break up happened. You won't be able to change the reasons why you broke up, but you should be objective enough to realize that it takes two. This means accepting responsibility for your part in the relationship, understanding what mistakes you might have made and learning from them.

Try to think about what specific attributes attracted your ex to you when you first met. This doesn't necessarily mean your looks. It means ask yourself what did you do back then that made him so happy to spend plenty of time in your company?

Compare this to the time you spent together just before the break up. Was he becoming distant, which made you want to hang onto him even tighter? Was he pulling away, which made you try hard to let him know how much you loved him? Perhaps you spent plenty of time analyzing the relationship in an effort to fix it before the break up happened.

Each of these things spells 'needy' to a male, yet the biggest thing that attracts most men to their partners is a happy, confident girl that makes them feel good to be around. Neediness can often push a man away from even the best relationship.

Work hard on regaining your confidence and your happiness. Remember, these are the things your ex fell in love with in the first place, and they're the same things that can make your ex fall in love with you all over again.

Men and women communicate very differently to each other. When a woman is trying to find out how to get back with her ex, she will attempt to get her ex to talk about what went wrong. She wants to analyze and fix whatever was broken in the relationship.

Men won't view this as a sign that it should be fixed or that you should get back together. They simply view it as being too needy and they will begin wondering how to find someone who makes their time spent together happy and fun again.

The next big positive step you can take to get back with your ex is to arrange to meet for a chat about the possibility of remaining in touch with each other. Don't be surprised if he's initially a little hesitant. After all, he'll be remembering only the reasons you broke up.

He'll need some gentle reminding about all the reasons he fell in love with you in order to make him realize you were one of the best things that had happened to him. Your gentle reminders should be to show him that you're happy and confident again, just like you were when he fell in love with you the first time. You shouldn't be yelling at him or blaming or accusing and you shouldn't be telling him all the good things you did. These things don't work. Simply allow him to see the happy, confident, independent person that swept him off his feet and his feelings will begin to re-emerge all on their own. Then you'll have a strong foundation for how to get back with your ex.

Monday, August 2, 2010

How Do I Get Back With Ex Husband

Divorce. Yuck! Now that you've gone through that hell on Earth you may be starting to think that the whole thing was a huge mistake. If you want to know how to get back with ex husband this article can help.

If you went to a therapist after your divorce and asked how to get back with your ex one of the first things they would probably do is ask you why you wanted to take them back.

That is a good question. If you have had time to honestly evaluate your marriage and have come to the conclusion that you ended it too soon without trying hard enough to save it then that's one thing.

But if you, like so many others, are just now facing the fear and uncertainty of being newly single and are starting to think being in a bad marriage is better than being alone you really need to find some help to get over the feelings of loneliness and depression before you do something you'll regret.

If you're positive that getting back with your ex is the best thing for both of you, here are a few simple steps you can follow:

1) Try to talk to him. Not yell or nag, but talk. And listen. Try to honestly and maturely discuss why the relationship ended. What misunderstandings took you so far away from one another.

If the two of you can honestly discuss how you're feeling, without recriminations, than you might actually see that you're not that far apart after all. You have just been coming at it from opposite directions.

2) Take some time to honestly evaluate what part you played in the deterioration of your marriage. No one is ever completely blameless. What was your part and are you willing to change whatever behavior it was that contributed to the breakup?

3) Try to find resources that will help the two of you communicate. So many couples just have a hard time expressing themselves and listening to their partners. If you can find a way to work around this you might have a shot at not only getting back with your ex but also of making your marriage what you'd truly like it to be.

Divorce is one of the ugliest and most difficult things we can go through. If you've come to the conclusion that yours was a mistake and you want to know how to get back with ex husband then following these tips will be a good first step in the right direction.